Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I woke up this morning to snow on the ground. My first reaction was, "AHHH! I don't want to drive in this!" Then I calmed down and turned on the news to see what they were saying on the weather. "Snow this morning with trace to 1" accumulation below 500 feet, turning to rain this afternoon, high of 43." I again looked at the road and saw someone had driven by, it looked fine to drive on and really was more of a light dusting, maybe 1/4 inch. Plus it is supposed to warm up so I decided to go for it.

Now remember, I HATE driving in snow. Not that I can't, rather all the other idiots on the road freak me out, like the moron in the last snow we had that decided to tailgate me because I wasn't going fast enough for him and he was in a big truck so of COURSE it was like there was nothing on the road for him and he could EASILY stop as if the roads were dry.

Got in my car at 5:40am, I decided not to wait but to get out before the idiots got out. The roads were FINE! Mostly slushy and if I wanted, in some places, I'm sure I could have slid but I would have had to really slam on the brakes. Mostly it was just wet slush. Even our parking lot was just wet slush and easy for me to drive on. Whew!

So I figure if *I* can drive in this, it MUST be ok. Now I'm hoping the weathermen are right and it all pretty much melts so I can get home. haha

Monday, February 19, 2007

Feeding Ducks, Swinging, and a Nutria

Saturday was a beautiful day, I think the high was around 62! We took the opportunity to go feed the ducks and play on the swings. Riley really likes feeding the ducks, almost as much as Marci. haha I held Maddie because she keeps wanting to touch the ducks, and they don't want to be touched. She had a great time just watching all of them come close to eat.

There were also a lot of people walking their dogs and Maddie really enjoyed looking at all of them. She'd be looking at the ducks, see a dog and quickly point and squeal with excitement. Fortunately, most of the people were nice, so Maddie got to pet several of the dogs. There was even a cat that lives around there and came out to see us.

After feeding the ducks, we walked to the other end of the park/pond to play on the swings. Both Riley and Maddie love to swing. At home, Maddie will look at us, point outside and swing her hips back and forth to let us know she wants to go outside and swing. It's sooooo cute! haha Riley is funny on the swings. He wants me to push him higher and higher, then suddenly - almost in a panic - he wants me to stop because he's going too high. But then after he slows down some and isn't going as high, he'll tell me to push him harder and harder, until he hits that too high mark again. After the swings, they both played on the playset, going down the slides, climbing all over it, and really having a lot of fun. Then we walked back to the car to finish our shopping. On the way back home, both crashed, Marci and I had a rare hour or so to ourselves, it was nice! LOL

While we were at the swings, we saw a Nutria feeding in the grass. He wasn't too afraid of people, though some kids decided to run over to him which of course scared him back into the blackberries. But he came back out and I got some good photos.

It really was a fun day, we're looking forward to the weather getting better so we can do this more often.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Monster Truck videos

I don't know why they say you can take cameras but not camcorders. Most digital cameras these days can take video too. ;) I'm sure they are mainly wanting people to not make videos then make money off them. I have no desire to do that, just share the fun even we went to. :) So, I uploaded the videos I took to our YouTube account.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Chocolate Festival

Saturday we went to the Chocolate Festival at the Western Forestry Center. It was AWESOME! We all had a LOT of chocolate that was incredible wonderful. Lots of big, free samples that we all indulged in. Mmmmm..... Chocolate....

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Grave Digger


On 2/9/07, Riley and I went to the Monster Truck show, his 3rd time. As always, it was a lot of fun and he really enjoyed it. I'm soooo glad we both were wearing Bose noise canceling headphones! We could still hear everything just fine, and the trucks were still loud, just not the ear-splitting, blood dripping loud.

This year they added dirt bikes doing a big jump in the air. That was pretty cool. And we saw one truck roll over while doing cookies, that's always a crowd favorite.

None of the trucks really went for it though, except the one that rolled over and Grave Digger. I think it's because this was the first of three days and they didn't want to hurt their trucks. We also didn't get to go down and see them up close because I didn't realize that is on Saturday and we went on Friday. :( Next year I'm going to get tickets for Saturday

Still, we both had a lot of fun, got there early, had some overpriced pizza, a soda, bought some stuff, and had great seats. Enjoy the photos!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Ben 10 and Riley is now happy

Yesterday Ben 10 Season 1 came out on DVD and Riley just HAD to have it. Got home and all he wanted to do was sit in front of the tv watching it. Made it nice for us, we just had to watch Maddie and could relax some. haha

I'm trying to keep up with posting once a week and realized it's now Wednesday and I hadn't posted yet. D'OH!

This last weekend it was really nice out, so Sunday we went to a little park and fed cracked corn to the ducks. Riley and Maddie loved it! It was so funny to watch Maddie laugh at the ducks coming up for food. Definitely a fun time and something we will be doing again and again. ...and next time I will be sure to take my camera. :)

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Super Bowl Prediction - 3:55pm PST

Ok, so we are about half-way into the first quarter. It's Bears 7, Colts 6. So far, it looks like the Bears want it more. However, the Colts always start slow and come on fast in the 4th quarter, they never give up where other teams run out of steam in the 4th. So, who do I think is going to win? After the Colts just recovered a fumble on the kickoff?

The Bears.

I think they just want it more. I think the Colts have more talent, but that doesn't matter in games like this, it's who wants it more that counts the most. I say the Bears want it more. We'll see in a couple hours. The thing the Bears have to remember is to not let up until the game is over. If they can do that, then they will win. If in the 4th quarter they start to relax with a lead, they will not win.

Edit - 6:38pm, 7:49 left in the game. After the interception touchdown, I change my prediction - the Colts will win. Ya, ya, I know, easy to make a prediction this late in the game. But as I said earlier, the Colts seem to play their best in the 4th quarter when the other team is out of steam. If the Bears wanted to win it, they had to play 5 quarters, not just 4. They have run out of steam, they can't win, the Colts are just playing too strong. Game over, the Colts win.

Oh well, the Colts fooled me again like they have all season. The other team comes on strong at the beginning and it looks like the Colts don't want it bad enough and won't win. Then when the other team has run out of steam, the Colts seem to kick in their 2nd wind and take over the game, winning in the 4th quarter.

Well done, Colts, you earned the Super Bowl!