Sunday, April 30, 2006

Maddie crawling while holding stuff

Today we notice Maddie would hold something she likes, then start crawling around while holding it. She has a doll she LOVES!! It is funny to watch her because she just LOVES that doll. Today we noticed she was holding the doll, then started crawling towards us WITH the doll in one hand. LOL!! it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!!

That's what friends are for

Saturday I was going downstairs. I asked Riley to close the master bathroom door so Tiffany didn't get into the garbage. When he got done with that I said, "Thank you Riles!" His reply was, "That's what friends are for."


Monday, April 24, 2006

What a great weekend!

The weather was fantastic, so we got a bunch of yard work done.  I finally had a chance to mow the backyard lawn.  Took me about 4 1/2 hours.  To put that in perspective, it usually takes me about 30 minutes.  It would rain a bunch, then get nice for a few days, I'd be ready to mow it, then rain again.  Nothing like trying to mow tall wet grass.  And our power mower isn't powerful enough for that tall of grass, so I used the push mower.  Then I had to rake up all the clippings.  Tonight I'm going to go over it again with the power mower to make sure it's all even.  Marci planted some flowers and pulled a lot of weeds.  Sunday night we were both really tired and sore.

Also, on Saturday, we helped my parents clear a path for a fence to be put in.  That involved cutting/trimming plants, digging some up and moving them, pulling up roots, pulling out stumps, cutting the pieces into smaller pieces to put in the recycle bins, moving the bins, and some other stuff.  It was a long and busy weekend, but we enjoyed being outside a lot!

One more day of this, then more rain.  :( 

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Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter 2006

Riley sure had a great time! He was almost as excited in the morning to get up and look for Easter Eggs as he was for Christmas. He found all the eggs that the Easter Bunny hid at home (it was raining and icky outside, so the Easter Bunny hid them inside the house), and got some cool new toys and things. I am starting to wonder if he's really my son though - he didn't want to dive into the candy, he said he wasn't hungry right now. I NEVER would have done that when I was his age. LOL!!

Then we went to Corvallis to be with my Mom's side of the family. That's always fun, Riley gets lots of eggs, it's great to see people we don't see that often, and we have some excellent food! The picture is Riley finding an egg out back. Click the picture for the fullsized version.

Maddie was a big hit! We forgot most people there had never seen her (well, in person that is). She looked soooooo cute in her nice dress. She was a little upset at us because she wanted to crawl around and we wouldn't let her - either too many people inside, or way too wet outside. The photo is Maddie getting a nice big bunny from Aunt Joan, click the photo for the fullsized version. And the rain held off just long enough for us to do the egg hunt. Whew!

Maddie crashed on the way home, Riley got tired and cranky, but we all had a great time. It's fun being a family on occasions like this!

Monday, April 03, 2006

April Fools!

I was curious to see how many people were reading this blog. Since it was April 1st, I decided to have some fun with that "Marci's Pregnant" post. Nope, no one called, no one commented, no one emailed. Guess no one is reading this. Oh well, that's ok. It's kinda like a diary that will be fun to look back on. :)

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Marci's Pregnant!

Kid #3 is on the way! More details to follow....