First I was holding her, we were looking in the mirror and I stuck my tongue out the side of my mouth a couple times, making a silly face in the mirror. She turned, looked at me, then stuck HER tongue out the side of her mouth! That was soooo funny! Of course the laugh she got made her do it even more. LOL!
Second, she was awake and Riley was asleep on the couch. He woke up in a kinda grumpy mood, wasn't happy, almost crying, then went back to sleep. Maddie walked (yes, she's walking a lot now) over to him and patted him on the head. All together now, Awwwwwwwwwww! It was soooooo cute!
As I said, she is really walking a lot! She'll crawl still but is wanting to walk more and more. And climb things! We'll turn around and find her climbing the stairs, or onto a chair, or the couch, or up on boxes. She's having tons of fun and so are we watching her!
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