We certainly had a lot of fun this past Easter weekend. Saturday morning we went to SleighBells in Sherwood for an Easter Egg hunt. It was raining really good so they did it inside. The kids had a lot of fun finding eggs, Riley was REALLY good at it and once Maddie figured out what she was supposed to do, she was finding them like crazy. They were all plastic eggs with candy in them. When they were done, they could sell back their plastic eggs for $.05 each, so both of them got a quarter (the limit for every kid was 5 eggs). Then they could go pick a toy from a table. The Easter Bunny was there, but neither of them wanted anything to do with him. Maddie REALLY wanted to pet the REAL bunnies they had. As we left, there was a turkey outside who was putting on a show for everyone; feathers out, showing off, lots of gobbling, both kids loved it.
Then home to color our eggs. Riley really had fun with that while Maddie was sleeping. One of the boxes came with one of those wax crayons where you write on the egg, color it, and where you wrote isn't colored. Once we showed Riley how that worked, he thought it was pretty cool and went wild with drawing on the eggs. Marci wrote their names on two eggs and as you can see above, Riley enjoyed showing Maddie her egg (be sure to click the photo for a LOT more photos). The hardest part for Riley was waiting for the eggs to boil. About every 5 minutes he'd ask, "Are they done yet?" Or he'd say, "I'm going upstairs to get something out of my room and they'll be done when I get back down, right?"
Sunday morning they both had fun finding the eggs, though once Maddie saw her basket, she wanted to play with the stuff it had, not find eggs. Riley found most, then he took Maddie around asking her, "Do you see any? You're getting warmer... Look over there, Maddie!" It was sooooooo cute!
Sunday afternoon we went to Aunt Joan's (my Mom's sister for those who don't know who she is) for a fantastic dinner and another Easter Egg hunt. It's a really fun family get-together, and the food is always awesome. Even Riley enjoyed it! haha After the meal we went looking for eggs and plastic bags with their names on them. This time Maddie got into it almost as much as Riley, they both found a lot of eggs and had a great time.
It was a fun weekend and a great time!