Last year we tried to take the training wheels off Riley's bike, but he had a really hard time and wanted his training wheels back on. Marci and I agreed the problem was the bike. It looks like a motorcycle, specifically a chopper with long front forks. It's really cool, but hard to balance on. We decided we needed to get him a new bike. Since the weather was so fantastic, we decided to see if we could find one. He picked it out because he liked the wheels. It's maybe just a tad big for him, but by summer he'll be taller and able to ride it without any problems.
Maddie also got her first bike. Like Riley, she picked it out. She wasn't too sure about it and didn't ride it that much, but she does like it and loves to sit on it in the house. She can ride the tricycle just fine (which surprised us because we didn't know she could do that!) so we're sure she'll be riding her bike soon.
We've also had some incredible weather for the last several weeks. It has been sunny or partly cloudy with the highs between 58 and 63! Talk about Spring fever! It was so nice one day that we decided to head to one of the kids favorite parks and play for awhile. They really had a lot of fun.
Oh, and as you can see they have new jackets. We were at Sears, the kids saw these and just HAD to have them. That's ok, the one's they had were getting to be too thick and heavy. They both loved them and were wearing them everywhere. In this photo I asked Maddie to smile. You can see she is definitely Riley's sister. LOL!